Just One Thing

That’s all I feel I have to do; one thing.  Not forever and at the exclusion of everything else, but just for now so that I know that I can do something. All the answers are out there, or as the wise would say, in here.   I have access to more than enough information that would completely transform my life. And I know information itself is not the key but application of the info, or on an even deeper level the absence of information and knowledge in the presence of pure awareness and presence.  With all the info I have accumulated I feel I could create an amazing life.  Yet I am like a taste tester of life, I like a little of this, a little of that, oh and I’ll try this and that over there, and sure, pass me the dessert with a little law of attraction sprinkled on top.  So why am I not able to use it all, to create the life of my dreams? I’m not sure but I have a theory that I’m going to work on prior to Peru in December and that is the application of one, just one tool that I know of.  Right now I believe it will be EFT, a simple yet profound means of releasing negative thoughts, stress, worry; virtually anything one wants to let go of or on the flip side, a way to enhance the positive aspects of life.  If anyone is interested in finding out more about EFT they can check out this 5 minute video which does a superb job: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nRY3UtTHvo (I’ll make the link active as soon as I remember how).  Anyhoo, I really started to put some things in perspective today and it was with the suggestion of my girlfriend that I focus on one thing and still taste all that life has to offer.  Maybe it will be like some mental block I break through so that I then know I can apply anything that I learn.  I have used EFT in the past and I know it works, and I know it is powerful and easy to use…why I haven’t been using it all along, I do not quite know.

I also think that it is my ego that I have been filling up with knowledge because if I am always learning something new, I never have to take the time to do the actual work, the work that would diminish the ego and put me in touch with something deeper.  As I said all the answers are out there, all the strategies exist to achieve whatever it is one desires.  And by the mere fact that you have the desire, automatically means it is possible to achieve it, if one believes it possible.

I also realize I am always looking for salvation in the future, waiting for the perfect time to apply what I have learned.  And I often feel that once that time comes and I use all this info, then life will be perfect and I won’t want anything else. Well, as Abraham (not the biblical dude, even though I am sure he had some powerful advice) said we are eternal beings and we can never get it done, and we can never get it wrong.  And as soon as we achieve the thing we desire, we start from a new vantage point and create yet another desire.  It is as they say the perpetuating or expansion of the universe itself.  But there I go again, moving from one amazing bit of knowledge to another, never experiencing all the first had to offer.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Hmm, so what does a journey in eternity start with?

Happy Journeys

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