To do or not to do.

I’m really at a loss for something to write tonight. Which is fine. I feel kind of somber, not rushed to do anything as I usually am. It’s funny how I was hungover for one day a while back and beat myself up over it because I had things I wanted to do, yet I just took 8 days off and did as little of anything personal as possible and it was fine. I guess our perspective is that important. In one case “I” had judged myself as bad for being unproductive and not doing what I had planned, yet I could be totally unproductive for a week and feel great about it.  Funny how that works.

So instead of being too tough on myself for not studying spanish or catching up on reading, or doing any number of things I think I should do, I’m just gonna do nothing while it feels right enjoy it as much as possible. In the end it is the ego that drives us to create list after list of things to do, only to create another once the last is completed.  Not that doing stuff isn’t important, but I’m going to try to not let it rule my life and when it doesn’t get done feel guilty over it.

Like ending this short and somewhat incomplete… I’m alright with that, I think.

Happy Journeys

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