Blogs to the left, blogs to the right

What is this world I have stumbled upon? I’ve always heard of bloggers and blogging and thought I knew what it was about but in just the past week I’ve discovered this whole new world within the internet. Common, everyday people having their say and making a difference.  I mean I guess it is easier than starting a website, so maybe people opt for the simpler route. Whatever the reason(s) and I’m sure there are almost as many as there are blogs, people are having their say.  It’s refreshing, unfiltered info that is not created to perpetuate a sense of fear and negativity among everyone (but i’m sure you can find it if you looked)

Sidenote: I believe the simplest thing anyone can do to feel better is to cut out the MSM, aka The MainStreamMedia. I was at work a few days ago and for a hoot put on CBC radio for a NEWS update. I got a dose of terrorism, murder and genocide back to back to back. It made my lunch go down in lumps.  There are billions of things happening in the world at every instant, many of them positive, feel good stories but you would never know it by watching the news. Sure, I agree there are things we need to know, and it can at times be somewhat helpful but if anything is so important that it is going to affect you, you’ll hear about it.  Simple test to see if it is worthwhile to watch or listen: Does it empower you? Anyway, enough ranting, it’s just my opinion on the subject.

Back to the blogosphere. I’ve quickly skimmed some of the sites I have posted on the left and it has rekindled something inside. A fresh take on doing what you want and going for the gusto. As excited as I am, there is always that voice that pops up; what will you do, how will you do it, you’ve never done this before, you don’t know what you’re doing, no one else has done this…… the same voice that doubted the start of this simple blog and so many things before it. I can’t get rid of it, it will probably always be there and it will always sound reasonable. Luckily, I’m not interested in reason so much anymore.

Happy Journeys

One Response to “Blogs to the left, blogs to the right”

  1. Michelle Says:

    Hey Justin, I’m really enjoying your blog….you are a great writer. That voice you refer to…..hmmmm….. have you read don Miquel Ruiz’s book “Voice of Knowledge”, it’s a small short book but well worth the read….same author of “Four Agreements” and “Mastery of Love”…. three awesome books!

    Rock on brudder!


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